
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The best Stamping stamper you can have in the market

Nails are a great way of expressing yourself. However, creating good nail art is a task that feels next to impossible for most. Simply painting the nails in one color can be hard sometimes, but creating intricate designs that look beautiful seems like something that you will only be able to attain after years of practice.
However, that is the thing of the past. Now, with major advancements in the beauty industry, techniques and tools to ease the process of nail painting have come into play.
Elements in nail art
This includes several elements. The colors you can get in nail paints are limitless. The base coat, color coat, special paint for stamping or putting designs on the nails and a top coat are the types of nail paints that you can buy.
In case of a stamping design, you can buy metal plates with designs that appeal to your aesthetics. Once you have the designs of your choice, the next step is to pour the stamping nail polish onto the plate and smooth it out with the scraper.
Now comes the meaty part. You have to pick the nail design up with a stamping stamper, and place it firmly on the nail to imprint the design on the nail. No one likes the hassle of removing nail paint and starting from the scratch so it is important to do this step properly.
The stamping stamper using techniques

Now, depending on the type of stamping stamper you have in hand, the technique of using it efficiently will change.
For instance, some stamping stampers work best when you place them onto the place of your choice and press hard to imprint the design on the nail.

Other stampers work best when you place the outer end of the design on the nail, while the rest of the design in on the nail and roll it back and forth for the maximum effect.
It is also important to figure out the placement of the nail art on the nail for the best results.
It does take a bit of practice to excel at precise placement of the design and then using the stamping stamper to put the design precisely where you want it. However, the end result is the most professional look that you can achieve in such a short amount of time.
Which stamping stamper should I use?
Konad beauty has some of the best stamping stampers that you can find in the market. Choose one from the affordable choices and get to work.

The last part

 Once, you have put the design on the nail, it is time to get the top coat to seal the design in and ensure that I is not ruined due to the movement or anything else.
Let your nails dry for some time and then you are good to go.


Nail art can be fun time for yourself and with people who are near and dear to you. 


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