
Monday, December 2, 2019

The perfect solution to all your face needs: Vtox Mask

Vtox mask are one of the biggest achievements of Konadbeauty. This mask has been specially curated for the people who would like their face to have more definition and get a chiseled jaw.

The Vtox Mask is made for people who have:

Concerns regarding flat face or square jawline: Get a boost of confidence with the Vtox mask that will tighten the chin and the jaw to give you a more feminine look during the day.

Swollen face after and before sleeping: People who suffer with a swollen face before and after sleeping can use the mask to sooth the skin.

Wrinkles due to aging: Have the wrinkles started to show up on the skin? Then, this is the solution for you.

How to wear the Vtox Mask?

Grab the holes at both ends of the mask and place the center of the mask under your chin. The gel part of the mask should be touching your face.

Stretch the mask till the holes reach your ear. Secure the hole around the ears on both side of the face.

Now wait for all the ingredients to sink in. After 1 to 2 hours, remove the mask and gently massage the face.

The main features of the Vtox mask are
  1. Ergonomic lift
  2. Three-dimensional face line care
  3. Highly-enriched hydro gel
  4. Free of synthetic glue
  5. Designed for comfortable ears
How does the Vtox mask benefit your face?

The Vtox mask benefits your face via lifting the skin and giving your face more of a V-structure that is defined and beautiful.

It protects against wrinkles, if you do not have them yet. If you do have wrinkles, the Vtox Mask will help reduce their visibility. It does this via working on the elasticity of the skin.

It also helps in reducing skin damage that has already happened and provides preventive measures to ensure that more damage does not happen to the skin.

Moreover, it has ingredients that focus on reduction of cellulite and inflammation on the skin. This is why people with swollen faces see significant improvement in one go.

Lastly, the moisturizing agents in the mask will make your face soft and supple.

Vtox mask has a range of ingredients that will benefit your skin and make you look all the more better. If there is one part of the makeup regime where you should invest, it is the skincare regime. A beautiful canvas will need little to no intervention and even when you choose to take up the responsibility of getting ready thoroughly for an event, a smooth skin will make the process 10 times easier.


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